Digital marketing insights & news from the fvnnel family
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4 Keys To Effective Communication In a Global Remote Business

Humans have evolved to rely on reading body language, understanding changes in voice tone, facial expressions, and long form use of language through speaking. When we use text, we have none of that to rely on. You can’t see someone’s body language or facial expression or hear their tone over text.  So, how do we communicate clearly and effectively in this digital age? This post is a guide on how to adapt to a world of digital communication. Learn the 4 keys and you will discover how you can master remote communication techniques.  I’ve never been one for an office,

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WooCommerce vs Shopify: Which Is Better for your Business?

Struggling to choose between WooCommerce and Shopify? If you are planning to start an eCommerce store, you may have come across these two options for hosting it. It’s hard to choose a platform when both have good features, but it’s particularly difficult when you’re trying to establish your eCommerce business. In the next few paragraphs, we’re going to compare each platform. Hopefully, this will make it a lot easier for you to pick a winner! WooCommerce vs Shopify: An Overview WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin that you can install on any server of your choosing. You can edit both WooCommerce

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IOS 14.5 Update and the Ramifications for Facebook Advertisers

2021 has had some seismic changes for the digital marketing sphere, particularly the Facebook and Instagram platforms. As has been the trend for a number of years, consumers are demanding greater control of their personal data. Facebook in the past used massive amounts of people’s data to create profiles of its users and serve more targeted ads to those on the Facebook platforms. In this way, Facebook connected consumers and advertisers seamlessly and efficiently via its sophisticated algorithms. In late 2020 Apple announced that in early 2021 there would be an update to its IOS software. The update required app

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Create a Winning Brand Voice in Five Steps

Imagine you get chatting to a sexy stranger over the punch bowl at a party. Later that night, you run into each other in the queue for the bathroom. Your stranger still looks hot in the brighter light (yes!) but for some reason, the way they talk has changed. The endless poetic digressions you found so charming have been replaced with dull remarks about the weather. No amount of punch will make you give this shifty character your number. (In case it’s not clear, your brand is your customer’s sexy stranger. The consistency and authenticity of your brand voice is

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On Writing Clearly

Dear reader, dear writer, Very recently, the wildly successful Nigerian novelist, Chimamanda Adichie, was asked to give advice about writing to young writers. Part of her reply was: ‘try for more clarity please’, be more accessible. Similarly, the philosopher John Searle once said: ‘if you can’t say it clearly, you don’t understand it yourself’. It’s a piece of wisdom I use to guide my own writing. Be clear. Be rapidly understandable. Don’t be obscure. Don’t be unnecessarily complex. I find it works for me, whether I’m writing academic philosophy, history, a Whatsapp message, corresponding with a colleague, or writing advertising

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8 Ways to Overcome Creative Blocks

Hi, I’m Aimee and I’m a digital nomad. (Hiii Aimee) I’ve recently relocated to Cape Town, South Africa from sleepy Durban. I knew it was beautiful, but nothing could have prepared this creative soul for just how beautiful this city actually is. I am easily and purposefully distracted by the way the world runs around me. The city of Cape Town dances, and I am compelled to move along – helping me out of those dreaded and unavoidable… CREATIVE BLOCKS! As a graphic designer, sketch artist, and aspiring watercolour painter, I find myself stumped every so often as I’m sure

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Now you know our story, we can’t wait to hear yours. Schedule a call or email us and let’s discuss your business.


This timeline is dependent on the client being responsive and completing all tasks related to the launch. This includes:

  • Assigning access to necessary platforms to the fVnnel,
  • Creating video content,
  • Completing landing page edits where relevant,
  • Approving copy and graphics, or if making their own copy and graphics providing it within that week and able to make any edits the fVnnel requests.

Please refer to our website to learn more about what services we offer.

Need to Know:

  • With our global team we are pretty much available around the clock for support and questions and can be flexible in the way we work based on your preferences and needs. This is why we consider ourselves a boutique agency. We become a part of your team while we work together.
  • We do not work on the weekends, so please do not expect responses from us over the weekend unless it has been prearranged for us to be available. If we are in the middle of a very large launch 50k + and being available on the weekends has been agreed upon, then of course we’ll be available. If it is prearranged we can work on the odd weekend with no issues, ideally we require a month’s notice to arrange this. Work life balance is important to us.
  • You can expect a response from us relating to an email you send within 24 hours. If we haven’t gotten a response from you within 24 hours and it’s urgent you can expect us to follow up within 24 hours.

During the Launch/Evergreen

If you have any outstanding questions relating to our process please don’t hesitate to reach us any time.

Ideally we request that we have a 10% increase in budget for testing for a week prior to launching. If the budget can not be spared we will take that 10% from the existing budget.

Need to Know:

  • Please do not expect a full layout of our intended strategy, targeting plan or daily emails

– We are very flexible and are happy to provide you with as much transparency as you like but this is not done as a standard operating procedure.

– Just let us know if you want more insights and then maybe a 30-minute weekly call is a better way to discuss strategies and plans than lengthy emails.

– We are in your account multiple times a day assessing the data, strategizing and pivoting. The more time we have to focus on this the better for all of us.

  • Please know that we will very seldom touch a campaign for the first 72 hours because it takes 72 hours for the campaign to stabilize and a minimum of three days for campaigns to exit the learning phase but it can also be a lot longer, depending on budget, costs of clicks and other important metrics as well as if we’re running tests, how many ads sets we have, number of ads etc.

– The only time we’ll touch a campaign in the first 3 days is if it’s necessary and the early signs show that the campaign as it is will never reach our goals, then we’ll pivot.

  • There may be more creativity for you to approve throughout the launch as we introduce countdown ads, reminder ads and sales ads.

– Often we will make these during the launch as they are less important to prioritize in that first week when we are trying to launch opt-in or sales ads.

  • Between 3-7 days there is a lot of machine learning going on.

– We will be making minor adjustments to bids, budget etc. but ideally we can see the first week as a data acquisition week, then we start optimizing once we have enough significant data and test results.
